Office Forms

New Patients

Please download, print, and complete the New Patient Forms for your doctor below, and bring with you to your first visit. Please also bring your insurance card and driver’s license (or other government identification).

Existing Patients

Please complete the Update Form annually and bring to your appointment along with your current insurance card.

Other Forms

We thank you for your assistance. It will simplify your registration process at the office.

In preparation for your appointment with Dr. William Sawchuk, please note the following:

For Skin Checks:
As part of your skin exam, your face and scalp will be checked. We ask that you come to your appointment without makeup or excessive hair styling products.These appointments Take 4 months to schedule so plan accordingly.

For Biopsy/Surgery:
For procedures that require suturing, please plan to be in town 10-14 days after your procedure for us to remove your sutures. Please avoid immediate travel or any major engagements after your procedure in case of complications.

Patients who are nursing or pregnant:
We cannot prescribe medications or provide treatment without prior consent from your OBGYN or pediatrician.